Makis Havadjias

Founder and President of the Board of Directors

Why does a man who has nearly everything undertake a project like The Monument of the Immortals? To understand the answer to this question, you must know a little about Makis Havadjias himself before you learn about Makis Havadjias the Founder of the Monument.

Makis is a very successful businessman. In the early 1980’s he and his brothers went into business and formed the restaurant chain Farmer Boys. After many years of hard work and dillegent effort, Farmer Boys became a major food service outlet in Southern California. From their headquarters in Riverside, the five Havadjias brothers work hard to expand their business and continue its success.

It is the success of his business which has allowed Makis to believe in his dreams. If a young immigrant from the tiny island of Cyprus can build a food service empire out of nothing more that ingenuity and sweat… anything is possible!

Makis has said many times (and this is the basis for his appeal to young people of all races and creeds) that there is nothing that cannot be accomplished if you work hard and never give up.

And that is Makis… a man who has a vision and will not give up until that vision is realized. He is prepared to see this project to completion and to allow for the Monument to exist in perpetuity. Makis is not only the spiritual and philosophical father of the project, he’s also the person who stays up late to speak with a professor half-way around the world or a student in a neighboring town.

Makis serves as President of the Board of Directors for The Monument of the Immortals. For approximately eight months of the year he operates the U.S. Regional Office of the Monument out of Riverside, California, spending the remaining four months operating the international headquarters of the Monument out of the capital city of his homeland in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Michael Galanakis

Real Estate Developer and President of MG Development Group LLC

Born in Los Angeles, California, Michael Galanakis graduated with a B.A. in Economics and a B.A. in Political Science from the University of California, Los Angeles. He continued his education at the University of Southern California Law Center from where he received his Juris Doctorate degree. Mr. Galanakis, licensed to practice law in the State of California, worked as a deputy city attorney with an emphasis in land-use, redevelopment and public finance law. Currently, Mr. Galanakis works in the field of real estate development and is president of MG Development Group LLC. The company focuses on single and multi-family residential development in Southern California. Aside from his professional life, Mr. Galanakis, is active in civic affairs dealing with his Hellenic heritage. He sits on the boards of The Monument of the Immortals, the Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE), the American Hellenic Council of California, the Greek Heritage Society of Southern California, and the Hellenic University Club of Southern California.

Panicos Euripides

Civil Engineer, Professional Consultant, Former Olympian Athlete

Born in Cyprus, Mr. Euripides is a graduate with a BSC in Civil Engineering from Texas A & I University (USA) and with an MBA in sports management from Leicester University (UK).

He has worked for Exxon Research Engineering until 1985, presently he works with the Cyprus Sports Organization, directly under the director General. He has also represented Cyprus in many conferences convened by the committee of council of Europe (CDDS) and T-RV.

Responsibilities include the technical department and the general management of all athletic grounds for sports projects for the government of Cyprus. He was before the project manager for the construction of all sport buildings and venues in Cyprus.

He is a Vice President of the Cyprus Olympian Association and is a member of the World Olympian Association. Mr. Euripides is an Olympian himself, having participated with the Cyprus Olympic Team (Judo) in the XXII Olympia (Moscow 1980) and also having participated as a coach for the Cyprus Olympic Judo Team in the XXIV Olympics in Seoul.

Mr. Euripides is a member of the Society of Civil Engineering and other professional organizations both in the USA and Cyprus. Married with two daughters, he leads the firm of Euripides and Partners, a professional consulting office, offering services in the field of architecture, civil engineering and property management.